Agile. Scrum. Lean. SAFe.
Buzzwords to be certain, and also powerful ideas that have changed the landscape in which you and most other business analysts find yourselves today. How can you position yourself to be effective and ultimately successful in this environment?
Join Kent McDonald to find out seven things business analysts need to know about agile and how you can use that knowledge to thrive as a business analyst.
You’ll learn what an agile mindset is and how you can adopt one. You’ll find out how you can apply analysis practices you already use in a way that will make you the business analyst that all your teams will want to work with. You’ll find out about the roles that business analysts can play in agile environment and select the one that is the best fit for you.
Whether you are an agile advocate in your organization or you’ve had agile “done to you,” come to this presentation to find out how to be the most agile business analyst you can be.
Key Benefits:
- Learn how to adopt an agile mindset
- Apply the analysis skills you already know to be the business analyst that teams want to work with
- Assess the roles that business analysts can fill in an agile environment and select the one that best fits your interests and experience
In August 2017, I appeared on Dave Saboe’s Mastering Business Analysis podcast to discuss the 7 things business analysts need to know about agile.
Mastering Business Analysis – What business analysts need to know about agile
Materials from IBADD May 9, 2019
Ways to focus on outcome over output attendee Post-It-Storm
Materials from Austin BADD August 17, 2018
Blog Posts
7 Things Business Analysts Need to Know About Agile on Linked In
1. agile is not a methodology
How to be a more effective product person:adopt an agile mindset
Manifesto for Agile Software Development and 12 Principles behind the Manifesto
Use the Problem Statement or Opportunity Assessment to build a better shared understanding of the outcome
2. There is more to agile than just Scrum
You don’t have to use Scrum to be agile
Agile Alliance glossary entries on Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming
Definitions of framework and methodology from Alistair Cockburn
3. Analysis is still relevant
How to use your analysis skills to add value to an agile team
Analysis with an agile mindset
Techniques mentioned:
4. agile alone will not get you better faster cheaper
How to deliver the right thing
5. Writing and slicing user stories is not the whole story
What you ought to know about writing user stories
Why you want to split your user stories
Signup for access to 21 Story Splitting Patterns
How to build shared understanding with example mapping
6. BA’s can be product owners
How to learn product ownership
7. BA’s don’t have to be product owners
4 Roles business analysts play in an agile organization