- Publisher: KBPMedia
- Editor: DeAnna Burghart
- Edition: 1st
- Available in: EPub, Kindle, PDF, Paperback
- Published: April 26, 2020
How To Be An Agile Business Analyst is about applying your business analysis skills in an agile manner. Keep in mind that the agile here describes how you approach business analysis.
This book helps business analysts be an effective member of a team working in an agile fashion. It explains how to add value to your team and how to apply your business analysis skills. It will help you understand how you can use your business analysis skills to make sure your team builds the right thing.
Read the book to discover the five characteristics of an agile business analyst and how to adopt those characteristics. You are an agile business analyst when you:
- consider your context so that you use appropriate techniques.
- help your team focus on outcomes over outputs and use that outcome to define success and measure progress.
- use tried and true business analysis techniques to build and maintain a shared understanding of the problem your team is trying to solve.
- make sure decisions get made, whether you have the responsibility for deciding or not.
- use short feedback cycles to learn about your users needs and adjust your product accordingly.
The book also explains the roles and responsibilities you may experiences and explores the impact an agile approach has on a common business analysis process.
Get this book to help you demonstrate to teams in your organization why they should have you on their team. At the end of the day, isn’t that really what matters?
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Chapter 2 – Agile Is a Mindset
Chapter 3 – What Is an Agile Business Analyst
Chapter 4 – Context: Consider Your Organization’s Strategy
Chapter 5 – Context: Consider Your Organization’s Structure
Chapter 6 – Context: Consider Your Product
Chapter 7 – Context: Consider Your Customers, Users, and Stakeholders
Chapter 8 – How to Deliver Maximum Outcome with Minimum Output
Chapter 9 – How to Build and Maintain Shared Understanding
Chapter 10 – How to Make Sure Decisions Get Made
Chapter 11 – How to Use Short Feedback Cycles to Learn
Chapter 12 – The Business Analysis Process through an Agile Lens
While my name is on the cover, writing a book takes a village, or at least a fairly spread out neighborhood. Here are the people who helped me get How to Be an Agile Business Analyst across the finish line.
Thanks go to the various members of the village:
To Laura Brandenburg for writing a great forward to the book.
To Brenda Peshak, Gojko Adzic, and Robin Goldsmith for reviewing the book and providing comments.
To DeAnna Burghart for editing the book and continuing the challenging job of helping me sound like me.
To Jim Lewis and Jeff Rains who created graphics for my other books Stand Back and Deliver and Beyond Requirements respectively. Those graphics inspired the graphics that appear in this book.
To the folks at EBook Launch for designing the cover and formatting the ebook and print books.